Thursday, 17 December 2009

Small Business Advice

Consilium Asset Management are independent financial advisors that offer a small business advice service to their clients

Thursday, 10 December 2009

[Blog] Budget summary: In depth Budget summary now available at htt...

Budget summary

(My Original Blog Post:
In depth Budget summary now available at
[Blog] Budget summary: In depth Budget summary now available at

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Pre Budget Summary

(My Original Blog Post:
A summary of  the Chancellors Pre Budget Speech is available at
[Blog] Pre Budget Summary: A summary of  the Chancellors Pre Budget Speech is available at
[Blog] Pre Budget Summary: A summary of  the Chancellors Pre B...

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

[Blog] Article on our Small Business Service: Our latest Small Business Article is now available to read.

Our Small Bu...

Article on our Small Business Service

(My Original Blog Post:
Our latest Small Business Article is now available to read.

Our Small Business advice service is available to our clients.
[Blog] Article on our Small Business Service: Our latest Smal...
[Blog] Budget and the days ahead: The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Alistair Darling) has a difficult task on Wednesd...

Budget and the days ahead

(My Original Blog Post:
The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Alistair Darling) has a difficult task on Wednesday, trying to balance the books of the UK. His pre-budget report may contain a few bombshells and unpalatable increases in taxation for some sectors of the population.
He has a difficult task of convincing the UK, that he has the ability and plans to restore the UK economy, whilst reducing the current budget deficit.

Any changes must not harm the recovery of the economy, but the UK is still the only major country to officially still be in recession.

With a general election only a matter of months away, he needs to demonstrate that Labour have the ability to help the UK recover.
He is likely to admit the economy contracted 4.75 per cent this year. This was more than his expectations.

A raft of economic data this week will paint a picture in terms of the economic recovery and how it is progressing. Similar data for German industrial production, also out on Tuesday, are expected to show a rise of 1 per cent.

The US will publish retail sales for November this Friday. This hopefully should give a view on consumer spending now that the “cash for clunkers” car scheme has ended.

Friday sees economic data from China for November. This may give a boost to the global recovery.

The Bank of England will probably leave interest rates and the asset purchase scheme unchanged at Thursday’s meeting.

We will publish our budget summary later this week. In the meantime if you would like to speak to our financial adviser please contact us.
[Blog] Budget and the days ahead: The Chancellor of the ...

Monday, 7 December 2009

[Blog] CBI raises concerns about Final Salary Pensions: Concern has been raised by the CBI (C...
[Blog] CBI raises concerns ...: C...

CBI raises concerns about Final Salary Pensions

(My Original Blog Post:
Concern has been raised by the CBI (Confederation of British Industries) about final salary pension schemes and the impact on the UK in recession.

The recent report, surveyed the management of the UK‘s largest companies about pensions generally. The concern was raised about the costs to companies as many schemes have to contribute larger amounts each year into the company pension schemes. It is feared that this will have a large impact on companies as the UK comes out of recession.

The survey found that over 30% of businesses were expecting an increase in the costs to their pension schemes. A third of the companies surveyed felt that the schemes had an impact in their ability to operate.

John Cridland, CBI deputy director-general, said: 'During a recession it is vital that firms are able to restructure and realign to strengthen the business and prepare for future growth.

'However, the high and unpredictable cost of running final salary pensions is having far-reaching and damaging effects on UK competitiveness and the wider economy.'

The report also re-confirmed the view of many financial advisors. More employees may have to contribute more to existing arrangements if they wish to remain members of their scheme. In some cases employers are considering closing their final salary pension schemes altogether.

If you would like to discuss any aspects of pension advice please contact us.