Friday, 16 April 2010

[Blog] Why do I need a Will?: A will is one of the basic building blocks to effective financial planning. It's an e...

Why do I need a Will?

(My Original Blog Post:
A will is one of the basic building blocks to effective financial planning. It's an emotive subject as it reminds us that we are only on this planet for a short period of time. Nobody like to think of leaving their loved ones.

A will can help with effective inheritance tax planning and will instruct your executors what should happen to your assets.

If you do not have a will then the rules of intestacy will apply. This can have serious implications to the way your assets are distributed on your death.

It is especially important if you are unmarried and have children, as your partner will not necessarily have an automatic right to your assets.

Reports over the years have indicated that 70% of the UK's populations either do not have a will or that their will is out of date.

If you are considering reviewing your will , we can offer a comprehensive will writing service. We  simply take your instruction and arrange for a qualified legal representative to construct the will for you.

If you would like to contact us to discuss your will writing requirements in more depth, please feel free to contact us on 01454 321511. Alternatively you can email  via the contact us page of our website.
[Blog] Why do I need a Will?: A will is one of the basic building blocks to effective financial planning. It's an emotive subject as it reminds us that we are only on this pla...

Thursday, 15 April 2010

[Blog] Regular Investment updates: We have recently launced our investment bulletin. the bulletin investment bulletin will be published each month and gives a snapshot of the ...
[Blog] Regular Investment updates: We have recently launced our investment bulletin. the bulletin investment bullet...

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

SME's finding the road to recovery slow

(My Original Blog Post:
Although the UK may be emerging slowly from recession it seems that small businesses are yet to feel the benefit, according to recent research from

Small business owners are apparently more pessimistic about the future compared to the end of 2009. Over 50% confirmed that it will take their business more than a year to get back to normal again after the recession, compared to just 26 per cent in Q4 2009.
There is however more optimism in certain sectors. 10% confirmed they are better off than before the downturn.  41 per cent said the recession has left them slightly the worse for wear but believe they are now over the worst, 17 per cent saying that the damage will take some time to overcome.

The findings come from the latest SME Confidence Survey, which tracks small business confidence over time and highlights current issues and concerns facing Britain's small traders.

With recovery now in sight, the biggest challenge facing 43 per cent of businesses is increasing sales and turnover, while getting over the recession is the biggest hurdle for 15 per cent followed by dealing with regulation and red tape - the main challenge for 13 per cent of small businesses this year.

Jake Ridge, small business expert at, said: "The green shoots of recovery are yet to reach Britain's SMEs and as a result many are finding trading even tougher now than before. They've been through a white knuckle ride and most are not expecting a smooth landing. In fact, 62 per cent are bracing themselves for a further downturn in the economy before it starts to pick up steam again.

"And that's when the real work starts in trying to rebuild their business and boosting sales and turnover – 44 per cent of small businesses anticipate that this process of getting back onto an even keel will take them over a year. The main message coming through is that Britain's small businesses face a long and fragile recovery, but 83 per cent are confident of surviving 2010, suggesting that the majority will get there in the end.”

To talk to us about our small business advice service please contact us on 01454 321511
[Blog] SME's finding the road to recovery slow: Although the UK may be emerging slowly from recession it seems that small businesses are yet to feel the benefit, according to ...

Monday, 12 April 2010

It?s the start of the Isa season

(My Original Blog Post:
Why Isa providers concentrate on selling Isa investments to clients at the end of the tax year just doesn’t make sense.

Admittedly most investments are made towards the end of the tax year at the last minute, but there are advantages to making an investment at the start of the tax year.

Since March 2009 stock markets globally have produced healthy returns as major economies come out of recession.

Clients that had invested there Isa allowance in April 2009 would possibly have seen a good return on their investments.

If another good year of returns is achieved then those clients would have had the benefits of two lots of Isa investments made in years where the returns were substantially more than cash.

If they were married  and both over the age of fifty,  in theory they could have invested up to £40,800 in stocks and shares Isa’s for the two tax years.

However if they invest at the end of the tax year they would have missed out on last years growth and not invest their allowance for the current tax year until 2001.

If you are looking to make the most of your Isa allowances each year then it might be more appropriate to invest at either the beginning of the tax year or alternatively on a regular monthly basis.
[Blog] It’s the start of the Isa season: Why Isa providers concentrate on selling Isa investments to clients at the end of the tax year just doesn’t make sense.

[Blog] It’s the start of the Isa season: Why Isa providers concentrate on selling Isa investments to clients at t...

Thursday, 8 April 2010

UK interest rates stay at 0.5%

(My Original Blog Post:
The Bank of England have confirmed that interest rates will remain at 0.5%.

Whilst this might be a good time for mortgage holders , the same cannot be said for savers.With savings rates at an all time low  you are lucky if you can get 3% on bank based deposits. Savers relying on income may find that they are  eating into capital to maintain their standard of living.

A useful resource is the website moneyfacts. They have a comprehensive list of the most current rates available.

An alternative is to look at investing in a broader range of assets such as Bonds, Fixed Interest and Gilts. This might help low risk savers to obtain a potentially better return, but there is a risk of capital depreciation. Although it is not possible to elimate risk from an investment portfolio it is possible to reduce the level of risk with an investment. A carefully constructed investment portfolio can help savers to maintain their level of income , whilst taking a cautious approach to investing.

To find out more about investment advice and how to get a better return on your savings why not contact us.

Consilium Asset Management are Independent Financial Advisers based in chipping Sodbury, Bristol, South Gloucestershire.
[Blog] UK interest rates stay at 0.5%: The Bank of England have confirmed that interest rates will remain at 0.5%.

Whilst this might be a good time for mortgage holders , t...
[Blog] UK interest rates stay at 0.5%: The Bank of England have confirmed that interest rates will remain at 0.5%.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Self invested personal pension

It's a new tax year and the 50% tax rate has just kicked in.

If you're earning over £130,000 your next pay packet will probably give you a shock.

One way to make use of tax efficient investment opportunities is to use pensions as a form of retirement planning. For example a self invested personal pension ( also known as a SIPP) will allow you to construct an investment portfolio that you can tailor to meet your investment objectives. Pensions contributions attract tax relief and the funds once invested grow in a tax efficient manner.

Any income that you take however is taxable as income , part from any tax free cash you might be entitled to.

A sipp can also be used to help plan post retirement as you can use it to take unsecured income rather than purchasing an annuity. Additionally if your religious belief prevent you from purchasing an annuity, at the age of 75 you can continue to take an income in the form of alternatively secured pension benefits.

If you would like to find out about our pension advice service please feel free to contact Consilium Asset Management , or alternatively visit our website at .

This article should not be construed as advice. For specific advice on your own personal circumstances please contact us.

Consilium launch risk rated funds

(My Original Blog Post:
We have recently reviewed how ifa's recommend investment funds.

Following a number of months research we have launched a range of risk rated portfolios for our clients.

Our aim was to produce a low cost range of investment portfolios that can be used in a wide range of products such as pensions, isas, collective investments and lump sum investment bonds.

The ten portfolios are rated from low risk to high risk. Each portfolio is rebalanced each quarter to maintain the ideal investment split.

A combination of passive and active investments  are used within each portfolio.

If you would like to find out more about our range of risk rated portfolios please contact us.

Consilium Asset Management provide investment management in Bristol
[Blog] Consilium launch risk rated funds: We have recently reviewed how ifa's recommend investment funds.

Following a number of months research we have launched a range of ...
[Blog] Consilium launch risk rated funds: We have recently reviewed how ifa's recommend investment funds.
