Tuesday, 26 October 2010

invest your money tax free . Use your isa allowance. http://ping.fm/JSATI
when to use isa allowance http://ping.fm/pPRvD

Monday, 25 October 2010

State Pension Changes http://ping.fm/CNMvC

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

CGT information

The recent changes to CGT tax rates will have an impact on higher rate taxpayers.
CGT used to be a flat rate of 18%. However the recent changes mean that it is now linked to income. If you are a higher rate taxpayer ,or if when the gain is added to your income you become a higher rate taxpayer then the rate chargeable is now 28%

You should use your annual capital gains tax allowances and ensure that taxation is minimised as much as possible.

If you require further information on capital gains tax please contact us 0n 01454 321511.

The financial services authority does not regulate some forms of tax planning. This article should not be classed as advice.

Capital Gains Tax on Property

House prices dropped by the largest amount on september 2010 since records began. However, the rental market seems to be still buoyant and rental yields starting to look attractive again.

If you have owned a buy to let for some time, you could possibly have a capital gains tax problem.

The gain , combined with the recent increases in CGT could mean you might have a large tax bill to pay if you sell the property. If you need to find out more about capital gains tax on property please call us on 01454 321511.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Paying Tax on Shares http://ping.fm/PeS2A

Tax Planning - Wednesdays the big day.

Who knows what the Chancellor will tell us in the middle of this week. The budget spending review will have an impact on every person in the UK. Whether you're a basic, higher rate or non taxpayer we will all have less in our pockets. The current uncertainty make tax planning difficult, however after Wednesday there could be additional tax breaks that might become available.

We'll keep you up to date about the changes as they become apparent.
The FSA do not regulate some aspects of tax planning.

This article should not be taken as advice.

Capital Gains Tax on Shares

The changes made earlier this year to capital gains tax, high lighted the need to consider tax planning for higher rate taxpayers.

For Higher rate tax the rate of capital gains tax increased from 18% to 28%.

If you own property and you have made substantial gains or you are faced with paying capital gains tax on shares or investments, then you should seek professional advice.

The financial services authority does not regulate some aspects of tax planning. This article should not be considered as advice.

Friday, 15 October 2010

recent article on how to reduce your capital gaind tax bill http://ping.fm/Qv8Ax

how to beat the CGT trap

recent article on capital gains tax
Government changes pension contributions http://ping.fm/35Jee

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

how to work out capital gains tax http://ping.fm/UHvY2
capital gains tax allowance http://ping.fm/2lAjx
capital gains tax rates http://ping.fm/6blAC
CGt on property http://ping.fm/UtaZ2
paying CGT http://ping.fm/ONxxL
CGT on Shares and Investmentshttp://ping.fm/W9ycN

Thursday, 7 October 2010

review of public sector pensions http://ping.fm/7oQSt

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Higher rate tax and child benefit http://ping.fm/MdMxQ

Friday, 1 October 2010

Interested in Tax Planning? http://ping.fm/aC9f4