Monday, 22 September 2008

Independent Financial Advice and the internet

Most Independent Financial Advisers have a website, but most sites are simply a "shop window". They really do not offer much value from a customers perspective.

Many ifa's use off the shelf sites, and as such the content is duplicated hundreds if not thousand of times.

To add true value to the customer the site should:

  • Have up to date content
  • Have a useful purpose to the client
  • Original content

This will help the prospective client to understand the service the ifa can offer and if properly managed should help improve the sites search engine rankings.

If you want to find out more about independnet financial advice and the benefits please visit Independent Financial Advisers- Consilium Asset Management

Friday, 12 September 2008

Inheritance Tax Planning

Nothing is certain but death and taxes

It’s not only the super-rich that are subject to inheritance tax

Benjamin Franklin once said that “nothing is certain but death and taxes,” and thanks to inheritance tax (IHT), they’re not only certain they’re intrinsically linked.

IHT is currently charged at 40 per cent, and is payable on your estate once your net assets exceed, in the current 2008/09 tax-year, £312,000 or £624,000 for a couple who are married or in a civil partnership.

Once only the domain of the super-rich, wide scale home ownership and rising property values have meant that more and more people may become subjected to IHT every year.

To reduce your exposure to a potential IHT liability, assets can be given away under either of the following:

* Annually within an allowance or from excess income

* As philanthropic gifts

* More than seven years before your death

However, there are other ways that you can alleviate the burden of IHT when passing on your wealth to your children and grandchildren. Talk to us about how we could help reduce or eliminate a potential IHT liability.


By drawing up a will, you can ensure that your wealth is distributed according to your wishes and this creates the foundation for your IHT reduction strategy.


When you’re looking to reduce your taxable estate, the first thing you should consider is whether you can afford to distribute any of your assets before you die in the form of gifts.

The Alternative Investment Market (AIM) and OFEX

AIM and OFEX shares could also offer you an IHT shelter, as well as a means of reducing capital gains tax.

To find out more about IHT please vistit ourwebsite

Thursday, 11 September 2008


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