Thursday, 11 February 2010

End of the Tax Year Looms

(My Original Blog Post:
It's not very long before the ending of the tax year. It is so essential to make the most of any allowances and tax breaks that are useable.
By using the allowances and annual exemptions you might be able to reduce your tax bill substantially. This can ordinarily be done quick and easily with the advice of a financial advisor.

Tax effective investing

Individual savings accounts

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs). If you are aged over 50 your Isa allowance for the present tax year is now  £10,200. ISA's are free from capital gains tax, can be used to provide an income and are one of the most tax efficient investment products obtainable


Pensions are also a tax efficient way of saving for retirement. Most individuals can pay in up to  three thousand six hundred pounds gross each yr and obtain basic rate tax relief on the payment made. Forty percent taxpayers can claim the residue on their self assessment.

Capital Gains Tax Planning

If you have made profits on certain types of investments you may be able to use your yearly capital gains tax allowance. This will enable you to make gains up to this level without acquiring a liability to pay tax. In some examples it is also viable to carry forward previous year's losses.

Income Tax Planning

Each individual can receive a personal allowance of  £6475.00 without incurring any income tax. For married couples or civil partnerships, where one is a 40% taxpayer it is worthwhile looking to see who owns the investments and possibly look to transfer assets into the
20% twenty percent taxpayers name.Making annual gifts is also a means of cutting your liability to income tax.

IHT planning

Each individual can make an IHT exempt gift each year of up to  Three thousand pounds in a tax year. Any unused exemption can be carried forward for 1 year only.  If you are capable to make gifts out of income without it changing your standard of living you might be allowed to make gifts above the yearly exemption limit.

If you think your estate could be above the Inheritance Tax nil rate band then efficient tax planning can be used to cut back your estates likely IHT liability. This could be a suitably drafted will or instead trust planning.

Consilium Asset Management are independent financial advisers based in Bristol, South Gloucestershire.