Monday, 1 March 2010

Pru clinches mega deal

(My Original Blog Post:
Prudential, the UK life insurer, has agreed to buy the Asian operations of AIG. An agreed price of $35.5bn in cash and shares makes it one of the largest deals in UK history.
The deal combines the largest insurance businesses in Asia. The deal doubles the size of Prudential  and will make the region a key contributor to profits within the group.
The deal will be structured as an acquisition of both Prudential and AIA by a new company, to be known initially as New Prudential.
It is reported that Prudential will pay $25bn in cash and 10.5bn in shares of the enlarged company. The company headquarters will be in the UK and will be listed on the UK Stock Exchange. It is also anticipated that the company will also be listed on the US stockmarkets
AIG has planned a partial floatation of the Asian part of the group, but shelved the idea in preference to the deal with the Pru.
“I think that transformational is an overused word but this deal is truly transformational,” said Tidjane Thiam, chief executive of Prudential. “We have the full support of the AIG board and the US authorities,” he added.
The takeover increases Prudential’s exposure to Asia, which accounted for 44 per cent of new business in 2009. Prudential have confirmed that the UK  life assurance sector is still an important part of the groups overall activity.