Friday, 26 March 2010

Slight increase to ISA allowances

(My Original Blog Post:
In the recent Budget the Chancellor announced that the ISA allowance is to increase by inflation each year.

Cash ISAs currently offer poor rates of interest however they protect investors from market fluctuations, but not inflation.

The ISA allowances have recently increased as a result of the last pre budget. The allowance moved from £7,200 a year to £10,200 with half of this amount being in cash.

The announcement will add to this by increasing the allowance each year in line with inflation.

The change will be effective from 06 April 2011.

‘The ISA is and should remain the key non-retirement savings vehicle for all. We therefore welcome the government's announcement that the limit will increase each year in line with inflation,’ said Richard Saunders, chief executive of IMA.